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[–]MarkTwainiac 46 insightful - 3 fun46 insightful - 2 fun47 insightful - 3 fun -  (2 children)

You're telling me that after 33 years you discovered you're a mAn iNSiDe?

It's interesting that you mentioned that Page is 33 - she'll be 34 in February. Wonder if her epiphany and new identity has anything to do with the widely-held belief in Hollywood that 35 is when a female actor is washed up and beyond her "sell-by date"?

From what I can see, the woke and especially people who are TRAs tend not just to be incredibly misogynistic, but they're extremely and blatantly ageist too - and the worst of their ageism is directed squarely and solely at women. This cult is all about "girls" and hates women beyond a certain age.

Even Meryl Streep went through a very rough period in middle-age when the roles dried up and she felt she had to glam and sex herself up to make herself more marketable. It was only when Streep started playing roles of older women that her career caught fire again.

[–]purrvana 30 insightful - 6 fun30 insightful - 5 fun31 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

There's a quote by Meryl where she says the year she turned 40 she received 3 different offers to play a witch.

[–]LeaveAmsgAfterBeep 16 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 0 fun17 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I’m 50% sure this is a publicist imposed idea, kind of like how a lot of female musicians claim to be bi and are not because their publishers told them it’d make male fans find them more interesting and make female fans think they have a chance or something.