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[–]lefterfield 10 insightful - 2 fun10 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Lol, yeah. They can't play by their own rules because their rules are nonsense. I sometimes use a male screenname online, and once argued with someone about genderism. The response: "Your experiences, growing up as a cis male, are going to be very different from a cis woman's" Me: "Did you just assume my gender?" The only response was a sort of confused protest that my name "sounded male." And made it all the more hilarious that they did, in fact, incorrectly assume my SEX.

Edit: And also that I don't actually disagree with THAT statement, it's that everything else they said was nonsense. Of course men and women have different experiences - but they were also wanting to argue that "trans women" had different experiences than "cis men".