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[–]MarkTwainiac 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Jazz didn't just have a castration. He had a surgery to construct a fake vagina and fake vulva.

But because Jazz was put on puberty blockers and estrogen so early, his genitals at the time of surgery - when he was 17 - were the size they were when he was 7. As a result, conventional methods of penile inversion could not be used. Instead, the surgeons did an experimental procedure in which they took tissue from Jazz's peritoneum (the inner lining of the abdomen) to sew together with strips of penile and scrotal tissue to construct his fauxgina.

But as the different tissues had different degrees of depth, pliability and ability to withstand the tension of surgical stitches, Jazz's "crazy quilt" (the surgeon's term) of a fauxgina "fell apart" soon after the first surgery. So Jazz had to have a second surgery in which they took skin grafts from other places to patch things up.

On the show, it was said the skin grafts for the second surgery came from the hip. But this photo makes it look like they came from the front of the upper thighs instead.