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[–]SweetBabyCheeses 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

4) Can you explain why gender identity does not exist? Don't cisgender people identify as/feel like they are the sex they were assigned at birth? Don't other animals identify as their sex assigned at birth due to lack of cognitive ability to identify as anything but their own sex?

I am offended by the term cisgender as it is comprised of two words - neither of which I identify with at all! I guess I’d compare not believing in gender identity in the same way that there’s lots of other belief systems that I don’t prescribe to, because I know that they’re not true - religion, Tooth Fairy, flat-earth, Santa Claus, curses, Loch Ness Monster, unicorns, Scientology, essential oils, the Law of Attraction. I could go on forever. But I am not defined by my non-belief in these systems. The except is perhaps religion, where I am forced into the label “atheist”. I also find it offensive to have to select this option of being defined “as not believing in a made up higher power.”

I don’t prescribe to many of the gender stereotypes - I rarely wear makeup or high heels, I hate shopping, I have lots of male friends, my hobbies are more often done by men. Yet it has never even occurred to me for a fleeting second that I might not be anything but a woman.

I’m glad that you bring up other species though because clearly other animals are not assigned anything at birth. I’ve watched a lot of David Attenborough documentaries and that has never been mentioned. I guess animals can instinctively tell which of them are which sex due to the fact that they usually look/smell a bit different. I guess the biological urge to successfully reproduce and pass on genes that fuels all life on this planet also sometimes means they behave differently. Anyway, my point is that we are also animals and we are no different! I could take a Lion, shave off his mane, castrate him, teach him how to hunt etc but something tells me that the rest of the pack are never going to be fooled. He’s not miraculously a lioness is he?