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[–]sisterinsomnia 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

2) Why do you say sex is not assigned at birth? If sex is not assigned at birth then what is it?

In the past biological sex was sometimes assigned by physicians when an infant's genitals could not be readily identified as either male or female. This was done very very rarely, and most infants were classified as either male or female on the basis of observing their genitals.

Now many expecting parents know before the birth the sex of the fetus. If sex is assigned by anything, then it would be the moment of conception.

Sex is defined in humans the same way it is defined in other animals. It is not a spectrum in humans, though secondary sexual characteristics can be. You are female if you belong to the sex which typically produces ova and you are male if you belong to the sex which typically produces sperm.