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[–]LeaveAmsgAfterBeep 17 insightful - 2 fun17 insightful - 1 fun18 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The most wildly anti-GNC people are often trans and nonbinary identified people themselves. They want to use us when its convenient and the second we’re inconvenient to their point at hand, we’re chopped liver. In a single day of a TRA the labeling of a GNC person as trans or cis could flip flop 400 times. In their own day, they might just be themselves and not dress as conforming. Its a form of black and white thinking and if anything celebrities are more likely to be trapped into their boxes that support genderism’s rise.

It’s obvious to anyone whose ever lived more than 30 minutes into the country that they would not last a day without literally dying because someone misgendered them because most women in the country don’t perform hyper-femininity to the degree that the woke circles do. That isn’t a coincidence- the rise of hyperfemininity combined with insidious homophobia and misogyny is why we have the leap in at least lesbian and bisexual TIFs imo. It’s alienating as all fuck, and it’s more alienating if your also mentally ill or have a neuroatypical condition or if you’re trying to bond with other women and feeling rejected because you can’t half ass liking make up and frilly swooshy dresses and shit.

And the sad thing is pharmaceutical, surgeons, endocrinologists, and some therapists see it as a way to make $$. I’m not saying packing the kids up and taking them to a working farm would help a lot of them with context about the hyper gendered environment of most post-modern academic and tumblr/twitter infested virtue signaler infested nests... but a little context beyond TV and social media continually glamorizing hyperfeminity to the point of selfharm and mocking women in a more natural state might actually net some positive mental wellbeing gains for younger people. Maybe celebrities too need breaks away from what ends up apparently mental health shattering environments that encourage this sort of self imposed self destruction.

Tldr: Celebrities are out of touch and this makes it worse on young gullible people who buy into gender bullshit and adults who should damn well know better but struggle to think independantly. Just be your fucking self, for fucks sake, you’re like 35 dude.