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[–]redditbegay 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

As for hurting women, the Equality Act will hurt women in the long run far more than anything Trump would have done b/c it ERASES women as a protected class and the Democrats are all aboard the Woke Express, full steam ahead. They don't give two shits how many women get assaulted in bathrooms so long as the Clymers of the world have their feelz protected.

To add to this, the same democrats who said We "Believe all women" said that Tara Reid wasn't raped by Joe. I 'Believe in the process' - That was said by one of the female leaders of the Democrat party.

Kamala said she believed Tara - until she was asked to be part of her rapists' campaign.

Tara's verbal account, if you haven't heard her talk about it on MSM.

[–]Finnegan7921 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The funny thing is that they are so fraudulent, yet get a free pass b/c they are in the correct party. Harris accused Biden of being a)racist, and b) a sexual harasser, yet jumped at the chance to work with the guy ? She said "that's just politics", which means she either believed none of it, or believes it and couldn't give a shit b/c he was her ticket to a position she could not have gotten any other way, and he only chose her b/c he painted himself into a corner by promising a woman of color as his running mate.

When Joe dodders off into the sunset and she takes over, the media will gush over "FINALLY, A WOMAN PRESIDENT"....while ignoring the bookends of her career to this point...began as her boss' side piece, ends with riding the coattails of an old white guy......a victory for women everywhere.

the Tara Reade thing really took metoo out at the knees b/c there was a) no instant belief of the accusation, b) a concerted rush to defend the accused, c)media silence for the most part, and d) a determined campaign to discredit her. That is the exact opposite of what they did to Kavanaugh and Blasey Ford whose account was so absurd...and then they get mad that Kavanaugh got upset during the hearing after being dragged as a rapist for weeks on end. The left is becoming a farce with the blatant hypocrisy.