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[–]redditbegay 4 insightful - 5 fun4 insightful - 4 fun5 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

Ladies, I have an IMPORTANT announcement to make! Today, I am coming out as AgenderCritical.

Too long have we allowed the madeup sexualities of radical antifems co-opt the feminism of our forebears that was built upon MANY years of sacrifice and social action, those ones who take up the title of feminism, without understanding the hard work that all went behind it.

No more, will we allow these quasigenders to tell US what feminism is, because NONE of them have EVER fought for it in their lives!!!!

Today, I am coming out as AGenderCritical, I sexually and scientifically identify as a gender that is sick of the co-opting of feminism for these ahistorical babies that have NO consideration or understanding for it. I will NOT allow criticism of the earned tenets of feminism, or of women wanting their own spaces, NOT being invaded by trans pretending men.

'Women' who were born men can NOT have periods, they can NOT become pregnant, and all the hate being disarmed will be MY gender and sexuality.

Do you like my new gender? its open to all feminists who want to fight this stupidity. Good day to you all!