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[–]Huyhuy[S] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Wow thanks so much for the lengthy and detailed reply! I did not know most of that stuff.

But with regards to factor 3, I don’t understand why more women working in those fields in the US don’t have a bigger problem with this and why they are not speaking up more.

And with the last comment we have all those factors here too - people saying that “oh you don’t conform to stereotypical sexist gender roles, you must be trans” and the assault on free speech, males participating in women’s sports, trans activists that make themselves look pretty bad here, and assault of transwomen on women and people demanding women call their male assailants “she” and “her.” Still, all is quiet on the western front. Eerily so.

I wish we had a mumsnet. A few weeks of arguing with twelve year olds on twitter was enough for me.

I need to find some real life stuff to do about this. I live in the south though so stuff is very anti feminist here. (They also don’t tolerate trans ludicrousness as much I guess either; so less of a real life impact too.)