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[–]missdaisycan 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

And so, Ginsburg did use “gender.” Other people, especially feminists, followed suit. There was no intention to avoid biology in the usage change or to have sex mean gender identity.

Different times and perspectives than now. Professional women's discomfort with setting a document filled with the word "sex" in front of men. 1- keeping men's attention on the issue (rather than on his own sexual interest) and 2- early 70s there was still stigma of women speaking directly about sex and anatomy. The landmark book "Our Bodies, Ourselves" came out in 1970. I remember, in my area of the US, there was quite the furor over it. No doubt the concern was to keep the concept without the stigma.