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[–]MarkTwainiac 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

My issue with these TiMs is that they're constantly approached by the media

None of those 4 are. At least, I've never seen them in the media. There are others, like Debbie Hayton in particular.

Maybe you're living under a rock then. Buck Angel has been in tons of mainstream and niche, alternative media of all kinds - written news stories, profiles, documentaries, extensive photo shoots - over the years; and in Buck's myriad media appearances Buck has always been lionized. Also, since going trans Buck has made her living as a porn star; porn is a kind of media, innit?

Scott Newgent has also been in the media quite a lot of late.

I'm glad both Buck Angel and Scott Newgent are speaking out against the transing of kids and the demonizing of women who oppose the tyrrany of extreme gender ideology. But to say that neither one has ever been approached by media, nor appeared in media, is factually inaccurate.

It's counterproductive to then have a go at the trans people who come on fighting our side.

Also, yes it's probably counterproductive to publicly portray these trans people in a negative light, or to question their behaviors and motivations, cuz nowadays trans people are the sacred caste who cannot be criticized or in any way held accountable for their actions or publicly-espoused views like the rest of us are.

But at the same time, it's naive to characterize any of these four individuals as "fighting (for or on I think you meant) our side." They may be on "our side" in certain limited areas - such as when it comes to medically transing kids, or believing that free speech is a good thing, or agreeing that sex is real, and that males shouldn't be competing in female sports.

But these individuals are all still very steeped in, and wedded to, regressive and harmful genderist ideology. And through their examples and all the material they have put out or participated in, Buck Angel, Hayton and Blaire White all have long histories of openly, enthusiatically promoting rigid sex stereotypes and attitudes that are misogynistic and both male & trans supremacist. Though Newgent has only begun trying to become a public figure much more recently, she has bought into regressive, misogynistic, male supremacist gender ideology and exemplified it and modeled it as well. And all of them have intentionally promoted their deeply sexist, anti-woman ideas to young people, too.

Just a year ago, Buck Angel publicly backed TRAs who complained about trans people's double mastectomies and implant surgeries not being prioritized over surgeries for women diagnosed with potentially fatal breast cancers. Citing the usual fake suicides stats that TRAs employ, Buck tweeted this:

The fucking ignorance! Suicide is the number one killer of trans people. Without breast implants we die!!! Jesus fucking christ😡😡😡😡😡😡😡