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[–]materialrealityplz 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree with the Blaire White part. He looks like a pornified woman. Just because he says he's male people give him a pass... what a low bar. :/

I had no idea Buck was in porn... and even defends it.. D:

We say that gender identity is a fiction and sex is real – so we cannot behave as if that’s true for everyone except these beloved four horsemen and other ‘trans’ figures like them who seem to be “true trans.”

But they also say sex is real? idk. This is where it gets blurry. These people accept their biological reality, that's really the sticking point for me. That's the core of the insanity. If they want to look like a man or a woman when they are not... well. We can't really stop people from doing that if they truly want to. I mean, I do find Blaire's porn look gross, personally. Buck does look like a man, however she identifies. 'Gender identity' might be bullshit, but Buck does come across looking like a man.

Trans people exist and aren't going to away even when the current trend of every other person being trans fads away. They do the important thing of acknowledging their natal sex and get a ton of shit for it from TRAs.