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[–]buttbuttinator 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

They also claim they started Stonewall. I'm sure they also claim credit for other important moments in gay rights. Would no longer be surprised if they start claiming that the suffragettes were all trans men who were actually fighting for their right to be men.

[–]MarkTwainiac 10 insightful - 2 fun10 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

In the US, attempts to "queer the women's suffrage movement" are well-entrenched. Whilst there has yet to be a move to center TIMs in the US suffrage movement, young historians are doing their best to erase all the lesbians and women in "Boston marriages" and other such arrangements involved in the suffrage struggle, rebranding them according to today's identity labels:

This article claims "many suffragists were what we’d now consider queer, gender fluid, or transgender."

NYTIMs [sic] article on "queering the suffrage movement":

Taking a slightly different tack, this TIM queer theorist claims that women got the vote in the USA before TIMs did, saying

Not enough people understand that trans women received suffrage, if we ever did at all, much later than cis women.

Because (1a) all meaningful transfemale social practices were criminalized and felons could not vote, and because (1b) transfemale identity was clinicalized and the mentally ill could not vote.

He also claims

cis women always had suffrage any time they wanted, if they fooled others into believing they were men.

And that

it seems easy here to express trans women's oppression as occurring because we are male. I invite you to expand your political imagination by considering how it is because we are female: for example, there were also once routine assertions that cis women are failed men.

What he means there, I have no idea.

He also says that TIMs oppression is worse than "cis" women's oppression coz TIMs were forced into the closet, which is the ultimate oppression, and men having to live "in the closet" has caused them to experience far greater suffering than anything females have ever gone through or could imagine. Or sumpin' like dat.