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[–]MarkTwainiac 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

This fella, who identifies as a "late-diagnosed autistic transgender woman," says that relating to a trans character in anime was the fifth of the 10 signs he was trans but didn't know it:

5) I had a lot of trouble relating to characters in books, shows, movies, and other storytelling media, and emotional connections are very rare. It turns out that I was just consuming the wrong media, because when I read a graphic novel called

Korra is a woman with an incredible ability to manipulate magical elements (a bender), and she is reincarnated from a man who was known as “The Last Airbender” (from a previous series set in the same universe). There is a big scene where she officially comes out to her parents as bisexual, introducing her girlfriend Asami, and I was so happy for her! She is powerful and confident, while also being caring and fun, and I got so excited about this story that I was stimming more excitedly than I can remember. My partner had no idea what was going on since I was rocking so much and so hard! I looked distressed, but I was just ecstatic.

I finally FELT a connection to a character in a story, and WOW, that is such a powerful feeling. At the time, I couldn’t explain why I felt such a connection; I chalked it up to relating to a coming-out story, as I had similar recent interactions when telling people about my autism or non-binary identity. Also, her skin is brown — mostly an oddity in anime — which I’m sure helped me relate. I never before had such a powerful experience with a fictional character, so I never knew the difference.

[–]Constantine 20 insightful - 2 fun20 insightful - 1 fun21 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I’ve already posted elsewhere in this thread, but this just makes me so angry. Such a disproportionate number of trans-identifying people are young and on the spectrum. They get swept up in all of this and people on the Internet radicalize them.

For those who may not know, one of the hallmarks of ASD is a serious body/mind disconnect, along with accompanying motor skills issues. Pair that with social isolation and a strong tendency toward restrictive interests, and it’s a recipe for disaster.

These people are “egging” socially isolated teenagers by telling them that there is a perfectly reasonable, and curable, explanation for all of their difficulties. Here, if you just do this, everything will be fine! People won’t reject you anymore and you won’t feel like you’re stumbling around dealing with sensory overload in your clumsy body anymore!

With the boys, it becomes a porn thing to do with their restricted interest in anime. For the girls, it’s that they’ve been told all their life that the reason they’re on the spectrum is that they have an “extreme male brain,” and they feel this will solve that.

But then of course, after they go through all these painful treatments, everything’s still the same. Why? Because they’re effing autistic, that’s why. There’s no easy way out, it’s just a fact of life medical condition. But by then, they’re brainwashed and there’s also a sunk cost fallacy going on where they’ve had all these procedures and changed their names and everything. So they get super defensive about it (because they know deep down by now that this wasn’t the magical cure they were sold) and become the most insufferable TRAs on the Internet.

It just makes me so pissed off. I’m lucky I didn’t fall victim to this as a younger woman on the spectrum. Thank you for providing all these links, they’re very informative.

[–]RedditVihaaLesboja 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Btw, Korra is not trans and I don't know what the OP is going on about. In the universe of Avatar, the role of Avatar gets sort of reincarnated but they're still different people aka Korra is not a man reincarnated but a woman who happens to be the current Avatar. (Also the two series are American so technically not even anime)

(Also lol sorry for commenting about random shit but I hate when TiMs try to make female characters trans, esp same sex attracted ones)