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[–][deleted] 19 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 0 fun20 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They haven't been able to cancel her but it's not for the lack of trying. I'm glad that someone like JK spoke up, because things will only get worse if there's no pushback.

From Are women still persons? when sex based feminism becomes verboten

Feminism has now become morally reprehensible to the woke wahhabist left, which, in its jacobin style, has powerful corporate and political backing—misogyny has reached such a peak that the words ‘female human’ trigger a storm of nasty reaction from trans activists, who insist it’s nothing but a common anti-trans dogwhistle to invalidate trans women’s existence. In fact, one book reviewer recently received a directive to stop using the word ‘female’ in her reviews, apparently the word female has pejorative connotations—of course, this is woke code for ‘excludes trans people’. Anyone deemed invalidating to the trans narrative automatically becomes anti trans. Promoting female sex based rights invalidates the trans creation myth and therefore JK Rowling has earned demon’s wings for her heresy. The mere statement ‘I heart JK Rowling’ has now come to represent stoking hatred, exclusion and division

You have brain-addled TRAs spouting that women's history belongs to trans women because of BS critical theory. There's a book called Cynical Theories on just this that I may read.