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[–]iloveyou[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I'm sorry that you have cried after medical appointments rcently. It's no easy to go to the doctor altoghether, much harder if the doctors are mean or don't listen to our concerns. I have once had to 'fight' with a doctor and the last thing I could do in that room would have been to ask her to write down and sign what she was doing, which was letting me go without referring me to a specialist. I try to fight for being taken care of. God, I hate doctors.

I will keep Krav Maga in mind. Not yet though. I don't want to hurt people, though. I don't want to be hurt, but I don't want to hurt others either. I don't feel comfortable with that. I hope that's my instinct if I have to defend myself one time (I guess I'd have to train to have that be my instinct) but it's just so scary. I won't carry any kind of gun though. You might think it's dumb - I think it is - that I avoid living my life because I'm just this coward. Maybe it really is and I just have to push through it. And if I get hurt robbed or worse... Gosh it's just... the world is scary. Everybody knows a man would rather target a woman than a man, that's elementary. It's just a cycle. Also, strangers don't care what happens to other strangers - no one does anything to help someone being publically assaulted. They don't want to get hurt either.

Twisting out of a grip is essential. That was something that would have helped me in the past. Ugh.

[–]jelliknight 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Yes, we shouldn't have to fight and i hate the medical profession too. I don't have a good solution just know that you pain is shared among every woman and more than a few men.

I don't want to hurt people, though. I don't want to be hurt, but I don't want to hurt others either. I don't feel comfortable with that.

I think of it from the point of view of wanting to be able to defend others. If I see a man abducting a child or assaulting a woman, i want to feel able to intervene and not a helpless bystander. You don't have to carry a weapon i don't, it was just a suggestion. It's not dumb to recognize danger, but then you have to make a plan. FYI unlike other martial arts Krav Maga is non-competitive because I involves things like groin and eye strikes so if you went to learn it you wouldn't ever have to 'spar' against someone, not really, you just practice the motions and skills. But there are also purely defensive martial arts and skills you could learn.

[–]iloveyou[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You are totally right on this part, it's good to be able to help someone if you have to, especially a child. I bet the way you think is different and you carry yourself differently if you think you can defend yourself or others if needed.