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[–]MarkTwainiac 78 insightful - 1 fun78 insightful - 0 fun79 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

Here he is discussing his experience "stealth dating." The delusion, entitlement, hostility to "cisgender women" & men, sense of victimization, resentment & superficiality in this shallow person are strong.

On his stealth date, he was "feminine & flirty," "fun" & "romantic" - and he gave his straight male date "the full experience of me as a woman, an emotional sensitive woman who is in touch with her feelings" and "super feminine" and "touchy feely"... Yet for all that, the straight guy still ended up rejecting him once he found out that this "emotional sensitive" & "feminine & flirty" so-called woman is a male with male genitals.

Like all TIMs who ID as trans during or after puberty, the principal reason gay chaps like this bloke transition is always sexual: they think pretending to be a woman will enable them to bed straight men, and this will lead to their own sexual fulfillment. But whilst they are driven by their own sexual needs, they are so narcissistic that they have no fucking clue about how human sexuality actually works for the vast majority of our species! When their relationships don't work out as they fantasize & wish, the fault is never with the unrealistic nature of their fantasies & wishes - it's always the other guy & his "hangups" that are at fault.

After being rejected by the straight guy, this bloke asks in his video "what is the problem here?" But not even for a fleeting nanosecond does it occur to him that the problem might be him; his phoniness; his lack of understanding of straight male sexuality; his incredibly offensive, sexist, superficial view of what being a woman means (long hair, tons of makeup, lip injections, acting feminine & looking hot & sexy in a "girly" way); and his equally sexist & utterly daft, dead-wrong belief that a plastic Barbie doll woman-facsimile who spends most of his day in front of a mirror slathering on makeup with a trowel & practicing pouty-lipped "come hither" looks is what most heterosexual men dream of falling in love with and bringing home to their mothers one day.

Instead, he immediately waves his hands with his long fake acrylic nails in the air & says, "I can't figure it out. It's not for me to figure out. It's an issue he's got." And that's the entire extent of his in-depth analysis: I'm not the one with the problem here, all the problems belong the other guy. In the minds of most trans people, this is how it always goes: all their problems are the fault of others - "terves," "cis girls," transphobes, straight men. In their own eyes, most trans believe they can never do any wrong - and unlike the rest of us, trans people are never, ever prone to faulty thinking.

But the fact that TIMs like this fail to see is: most people are looking for partners, not performers, and most of us want to have authentic relationships with real people not waste with time people who spend every minute of every day playing dress up & pretending to be what they are not. If most people did want all this pretending & costuming, then Halloween would be every other day & the new fads of "cosplay" & LARPing wouldn't be so new & confined to narrow segments of the population - they would've been the norm for centuries & everybody would be doing them all the time.

[–]FluffyPotato 38 insightful - 1 fun38 insightful - 0 fun39 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

I said this in the "How I became labeled a TERF" medium article I wrote in part three. It was not because they are trans or anything else. It is that every single one is acting the exact same way--it was fucking mindlblowing!!!!!!! And every time, they got super stalkery--some digitally and some in person. Every single fucking time. Every single fucking one has a story in their heads. I was talking to Duncan for those who are aware on Twitter directly via DM--he explained some gay male sexuality thing to me. He said that gay men, the subby ones, will say the words, "make me your boy" and the TIMs were saying that to me in messages, "make me your woman". Every single one has this fantasy all planned out in their heads of their entire lives--they have it all mapped out, and you are shit on if you do not fucking conform to the character role.

Fucking insanity

[–]CastleHoward 19 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 0 fun20 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm loving your Medium series. What a nightmare you were in! I think your voice is very important. Everything you say comes across as honest. Sounding the alarm. I'm happy you are free of that. Everyone here should read it.

[–]MarkTwainiac 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

FluffyPotato - I've found your Medium pieces illuminating. Thank you. But I've also found them confounding coz whilst you give all sorts of details about who you are, your height, what you look like, where you live, what you believe, who you hang with, etc you don't say when you were born or give your age - or even an age range.

Please consider providing this info, as so much of our experience especially around dating, sex, gender ideology & transology seem age or generation-specific.

Best wishes to you.

[–][deleted] 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

so you can dox her?

[–]MarkTwainiac 16 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 0 fun17 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

No, I don't want to dox her. Of course not. I just think that providing her general age would be helpful to appreciating and understanding her experiences and analysis. Coz one's age and the generation to which we as individuals belong does affect what we see as the norm.

I was raised to see myself very much as a product of my time - I'm a Boomer and second-wave feminist who came of age in the 1960s and 70s. But it seems many younger people today are growing up with an entirely new and ahistoric mindset, meaning they think what they are experiencing/have experienced in their brief lifetimes is what all humans have experienced over time.

Please go through all my posts. I don't think you'll find any evidence that I want to dox anyone.

[–]CastleHoward 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I imagine she is in her early 30s. She's talks about being on the apps. This is a current situation she's describing and one that she's been navigating for a number years. She also seems to have moved into that second stage of womanhood. The stage where we look back and question what has happened to us.