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[–]Comatoast 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If you're in the US, our mental health systems are absolutely shit. Most of those dudes on the street likely needed to be medicated to even start the thought on rehabilitation into society. I can't be too pissed about some kid with tourettes shouting racial obscenities if he has a disease that makes him do stupid, insensitive things. People with severe mental illnesses that are unmedicated can kind of exist in the same category. The guy could have just been a drunken piece of shit, and I don't want to make excuses for him I'm just thinking of everything shitty in our society that leads to these moments.

That's not to shit on you for not giving him money, I mean.. that's not your fucking job or responsibility at all. I wouldn't have given him money either, especially after the nasty as come-on.