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[–]just_lesbian_things 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Brothers are far more likely to abuse their siblings than fathers their children

Wow. Why are males so fucked up? Are they born fucked? Or does it happen really early?

Please don't pretend women are all saints and angels and all men are evil.

First of all, work on your black and white thinking, then work on your reading comprehension. Nobody said women are all Saints and angels. Secondly, I'll stop saying men are evil when they stop doing evil shit. How fucking funny is it that there are men and boys sexually abusing children out there and your main concern is some woman thinks poorly of them for it? Maybe it's time to re-evaluate your priorities.

often the father is the only person to call it out and try to protect those kids.

More often the father has decided he would rather LARP as a woman than take care of his children and instead wastes his time and money getting plastic surgery, playing dress up and terrorizing the local lesbian population. Lost custody because his evil ex-wife doesn't feel comfortable sending the kids to stay overnight in his new sex dungeon. Can't make those child support payments because Sephora and bEiNg UrSeLf comes first. I wonder how many moms go trans.