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[–]halebop[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't worry about the social transition per se, it's the brainwashing vibe I'm getting from the whole thing. I'm not worried if it is his choice, I just don't think it actually is his choice, I think she is manipulating him into it. He's very malleable as people go, not very strong willed, and if this is getting him attention from his pretty disinterested mother I think he will develop positive associations with it without it ever having been his choice. I do agree though that the medical intervention is the biggest concern we have though and luckily her "tendencies" were a concern from the time of their divorce when he was one year old and written into the divorce is all medical decisions must be agreed upon by both parents. I think my husband is afraid that medical transition will become something that no parent has to agree to and children can do themselves because in that case she can just take him and say that it was his decision even if it isn't. Thank you for all the links, I will definitely look everything over!