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[–]MarkTwainiac 14 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 0 fun15 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Yes, Greedy Gorging - oops I mean Gigi Gorgeous - seems to have been motivated to supposedly switch sexual orientation mainly by the hundreds of millions of bucks that the androgynous/masc Nats Getty has at her disposal. For superficial narcissistic consumerists like Greedy Golddigger the TIM gorgon, private jets, 5 star hotels and all the tacky but pricey Gucci that money can buy seem to be the ultimate aphrodisiacs.

I doubt Greedy and Nats spend much or any time getting it on. Cuz Nats is not a well person in any respect. Nats has had lifelong serious mental health issues and has been dealing with drug addiction, alcoholism, low/zero self-esteem, self-loathing/hatred, eating disorders and other forms of self-harm since early adolescence.

Speaking about drugs and alcohol addiction, Nats Getty (LGBT activist) revealed that when she met Gigi Gorgeous (transgender activist), she was at her second lowest point in her life. Nats had to go to rehab when she was really, really young. And when she met Gigi, she was at another terrible time of her life...

Nats' having tons of issues is not surprising given the familial history of the Gettys.

Nothing seems legit about this couple:

Also, it's quite evident from their wedding photos which one is the male and which one is the female from their respective heights and body sizes:

Note that according to her mother, Nats had never had a GF or other love relationship before meeting Greedy.

[–]SameOldBS 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Nats Getty looks like a hostage with Stockholm syndrome.