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[–][deleted] 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I was mentioning this somewhere else. How is it, that a teen on Instagram (this has happened a few times, one of my acquaintance's friend's kid did this), talked about wishing their school would be shot up, and they were being sarcastic. FBI was at their door that afternoon, seizing all electronics, the underage teen under investigation, and expelled.

And yet, TRA can threaten to murder people and nothing has yet to be done?

Fill for profit prisons with rapists, murderers, and TRAs.

(I have to rant on.)

Why is it (I do not do drugs) that someone is arrested for having weed, or coke, and they go to jail or prison, but if a male threatens to kill, or rapes a woman, no jail time in the US?!~!! So many crimes committed, no follow through by police. But smoke a bowl, and have a bag on you--you are going to jail.

Again, fill the prisons with TRA, rapists, and murderers--they are all cut from the same cloth anyways.