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[–]sisterinsomnia 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

It is not possible to predict what the right side of history will be. All we can do is to try to be as honest, clear and compassionate (in the Buddhist sense) in our thinking as possible and to keep testing our basic values.

There are cases where the rights or desires of different people stand in clear conflict, and the way forward in such cases is to openly discuss this conflict and to try to find solutions to it. The right way forward is not to try to stifle all debate or to just ignore the rights /desires of one side. Similar cases come when religious rights clash with, say, women's rights.

I have no idea how the future will look, but I am completely certain that we are right now seeing social contagion and something similar to those historical events where one cause or issue suddenly swamped everything else for a certain length of time and then petered off. Because of the Internet this particular contagion is much more widespread and because of the profit incentives in it for the medical industry it may take longer for it to fade to some much lower level.

[–]Agodachi[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Being compassionate is important. A lot of people who peak state that they realized that GC people aren't as bad as TRAs paint these TERFs out to be.

I suppose it makes me feel better when I think about how in the past, people who spoke out against religion were considered heretics and nowadays (at least in Western society) that no longer happens. Also with things like leeches and how doctors used to throw those suckers on every chance they got but it didn't help, and now that isn't standard medical practice. It at least gives me home that in a few years these instant transitions will come to an end.