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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you. I am working from home doing consulting for my own business. I am about to leave the area. I am half packed already and plan to go to a super small area off grid if I can.

Thank you for warning me! I am so tired of not speaking up about it, it makes me sick!

I am on insta with only a couple of followers. Please DM!

I am just so exhausted!

Do you feel like me?

I have a couple of degrees, and I am not always taken seriously in my field because I am a woman. Because of what I look like, I am assumed by many in the "community" that I am not a lesbian, because I have long hair. Right now I am wearing jeans and a t shirt as I type to you. Maybe I am programmed to dress the way I do, it is certainly not for the male gaze.

I do not know if you are married or single, but I also get harassed by men as it is, and have difficulty just going to the store without being followed to my car, in the middle of the day, and guys get aggressive with me when I say no thank you and then turn it into an angry negotiation or get downright verbally abusive to me.

I do not own a gun, but having this all happen makes me want one badly.

Indeed, I have known TiMs chase. One works in a very high spot in tech. Another a musician. A couple of them are business owners. They see me and they see an object to manipulate, control, and have as a purse on their side.

I am so so sorry about your friend! I wonder if she is with him first out of pity in some way and excuses any bad behaviors because "trans". That was me when I started talking to some of these people initially as friends--I was excusing the bad behavior and saying they were this or that way because of trans. But the thing is, they were all acting in very similar ways and saying terrible things in similar ways, and that is when my lightbulb came on and I realized, holy crap, this is a disorder within itself!

I have had a couple of women already reach out on the dating apps and say that I said everything they have always wanted to say.

Hell I even brought up Tavistock.

I wrote a novel on iT! LOL

Thanks for the comment!