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[–]moody_ape 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

AFAB and AMAB have been completely appropriated by TRAs. I've seen an interview with Claire Graham, hosted by Ben from GNC Centric, where she explains about how this assigning works. She is intersex, so she knows the drill. Say a baby is born with a very small penis. That's obviously a boy, but doctors perform surgery to remove the penis and this baby ends up being raised s a girl. Puberty hits and shows there is something wrong and there you have it: another intersex person finds out the truth and is horrified at the violence they have suffered. She also says that no one looks at a baby's insides to check their gonads when they are born, so a girl with a big clitoris might be AMAB. In this case there is no surgery. It's really a complicated topic and I'm glad I've found Claire's interview on GNC Centric to educate myself about this. I have also seen another interview with her on the Benjamin Boyce channel where she tells a lot about the subject. It's all very informative.