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[–]Spikygrasspod 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think you should take another look at the definition of bad faith before you accuse anyone else of it. It refers to arguments made nominally to address the other person, but really to derail them. Uncharitable misinterpretations, strawmen, sealioning, etc.

I do call people trans women most of the time because it's an established term, like 'drag queen', with a meaning that people understand, that isn't necessarily misleading, and it isn't offensive to those it applies to. But they're also men and not women. I don't usually go about clarifying that to people's faces because many people have hitched their feelings to those categorisations in such a way that they'd be hurt. I think it's a mistake to build your feelings around an unreality, but that's another matter and it's their choice, not mine. I also think that using 'rudeness' and 'hurt feelings' to limit women's ability to speak about observable reality is a strategy of control. Control the language; control the perception. If there's ANYWHERE to say trans women are men, it's here, where we're all exploring GC views and learning not to censor ourselves as much as we do in real life. I DO need to clarify, because outside, people are still trying to tell me that men can be women, and they're vilifying anyone who disagrees. They are still trying to control my thoughts with accusations of hurt feelings, and I'll go mad if I can't say the truth now and then. So yeah, this is exactly the place for me to stretch my free speech without worrying about hurting anyone. I don't find it counterproductive, I find it consciousness raising. I may well be stubborn, however, thank you.