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[–]MarkTwainiac 47 insightful - 3 fun47 insightful - 2 fun48 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

Wow. You seem to have absolutely no idea whatsoever of the sky high rates of sexual violence and other forms of predation and abuse - ranging from verbal abuse to theft to assault and battery, rape and voyeurism (with or without the use of hidden spy cams) - that women with disabilities and serious health problems routinely experience.

Women who live alone and have health problems that confine us to our homes a good deal of time, or render us entirely homebound, are extremely vulnerable to abuse from anyone we let into our homes, be it a home health aide, grocery delivery person, plumber or police officer.

Not all men are predators, but some are. The fact is, males are far, far more likely to be sexual predators, pervs and criminal-minded types who pose a real danger than women are. Statistically, women are unlikely to commit acts on strangers like home invasion, armed robbery, assault and battery, sexual assault, voyeurism, planting of spy cams, flashing of genitals, groping, publicly masturbating, etc. But there are tons of men who do this sort of stuff every day.

Predators are always on the hunt for easy pickings - and are well-known to choose certain lines of work, including work that entails going into people's private homes, because it gives them access to potential victims. Once predatory men realize that a woman with physical frailties and vulnerabilities lives alone, they are very likely to target her - not necessarily at the moment, but later on when they come back.

Women who are vulnerable due to disabilities, serious life-limiting health problems as well as the frailties that come with advanced age have very good reason and every right to be wary of the strangers we let into our homes. If a woman doesn't feel comfortable and safe within her own home, where do you suggest she go?

[–]CaliforniGinger 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The hard thing about the current economic system is I would like to volunteer to be there for older women when they have to let men in their houses and pretend to be a relative, keep the guys thinking she always has someone around, but I don't have time. I have to work constantly. I also would like to volunteer to be a patient advocate, as I've learned through doing that for my relatives that I am very good at it and doctors almost always listen to me and treat the patient more thoroughly than they otherwise would (often simply because my relative doesn't know how to express what's going on), but again I simply have no time or energy at all for those I'm not related to.

I wonder if there are tricks and networks radfems could develop, like volunteering to make the appointments for older women and making it seem as if they live there full time but simply have to work during the day... or the old trick of having large dog accoutrements around or big man boots outside the door, stuff like that.