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[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

  • Lumping three different issues together as if they are all the same. If there is a problem with interpretation of findings in one area, discuss that in detail instead of throwing up your hands at people who disagree with you and saying they don't know how to science properly. Maybe some of them do, and you are the one who doesn't.
  • Using group-think to combat group-think. There is much more scientific consensus in some areas than in others, but even when there is consensus, scientists may change their minds down the road.

Specifically wrt masks, a century of research vs a few months of panic? I highly doubt that there has been so much peer-reviewed experimental research that has come out on mask-wearing in the last few months (that for some reason didn't show up in headlines or on r/coronavirus) that I need to update my reading already. For me it all comes across as emotional labour: wear masks to help keep others calm, because so many people are just not used to dealing with health risks and get freaked out about it. As a disabled person in chronic poverty who just does not have the spoons for all this, I am tired of always being asked to cater to others' emotional needs. If you're sick, stay home. Cover your coughs and sneezes. Give people room to breathe. Wear a mask if you want. But don't make me "perform" safety with homemade masks because you're anxious. TBH this reminds me a lot of the panic and over-reaction to 9/11 by people who were surprised something like that could happen.

[–]OrneryStruggle 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You are entirely correct that masks are just safety theater to make people feel safer and calmer and like they are "doing something."

I am also sick of being asked to make my chronically ill ass sicker so that other people feel like they have control over nature.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

"Lumping three different issues together as if they are all the same. " OP did not say they were exactly the same, but the science denial is shared between those three groups.

"Using group-think to combat group-think." Where did OP say we should combat the current TRA and anti-vaxx groupthink with more groupthink? By calling the president dangerously ignorant? By saying the anti mask movement is a problem?

"even when there is consensus, scientists may change their minds down the road." This is literally what happened when the CDC changed its stance on masks since the pandemic started, yet you're adamant you don't need to update your readings on how medical experts have changed their advice.

" I am tired of always being asked to cater to others' emotional needs" I'd understand if we were discussing emotional needs, but there is nothing "emotional" about harm reduction with regard to keeping vulnerable populations healthy and trying not to overburden the healthcare system.

" If you're sick, stay home. Cover your coughs and sneezes." Many who are infected do not know soon enough to self isolate and are not staying home.

"Give people room to breathe"

Article about how keeping your distance is not enough when air conditioning recirculates air in an enclosed space. Granted, this was in a restaurant, and people can't feasibly wear masks when eating, but the same concept applies to any enclosed space with a similar airflow.

" But don't make me "perform" safety with homemade masks because you're anxious." "Don't make me "perform" safety by driving the speed limit in a school zone because you're anxious." That's how this comes across. People are not simply "anxious". People are dying, and the ones that aren't are getting so sick they require resources hospitals may not have due to increased capacity and decreased availability of PPE. I don't know how to express to you that the minor inconvenience of wearing a mask could save lives and ensure hospital workers can give adequate care to all of their patients.

[–]OrneryStruggle 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The people acting like real scientific criticisms of politically-motivated public policy are "anti-science" are the real scientific illiterates here.

And nah, it's actually disabled and chronically ill people with serious conditions who are being harmed by this security theater, the lack of access to medical care was bad enough but the mask hysteria is adding insult to injury. It is vulnerable people who are harmed by these political ploys, actually.

You can choose to drive or not. Driving is not a basic right in any society. When you drive you agree to conform to rules that, when conformed to, maintain your driving privileges. This is not the same as impinging on people's basic rights to exist in a free society.