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[–]Tovasshi 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (11 children)

The solution is to put more into mental health.

I can't take any self-dxer seriously. I can have sympathy if they said they suspect they're autistic or know something is up. But they're not an expert and there are a lot of overlapping conditions that many most people don't know about. They just stick to ASD because it's been romanticized recently. If you try to recommend to these self-DXers they might have one of these other conditions, even comorbid with ASD, they get super offended. They're not looking for answers, they're looking for an identity. They have this list in their mind of what is acceptable and unacceptable conditions for them to have as part of their identity.

[–]Lyssa 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (10 children)

Well, I am self dox. Im nearly 40, female and have working class parents - how do you think I should have gotten a diagnosis as a gender non-conforming, awkward bullied kid in the early 80s? And why should I get one now as a gender non-conforming weird sucessful woman in no need of therapy and counseling because I have figured out life the hard way and by myself? I would be obligated to put it down when e.g. applying for a new insurance. So I would have only disadvantages and no benefits. If somebody does not take me seriously as an autistic women on the internet - I can live with that.

[–]Tovasshi 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (9 children)

You can say you suspect you're autistic. But you can't self-dx.

If people self diagnosed any other condition they'd be rightfully shamed for being ableist and co-opting the disorder. But somehow we're all knowledgeable, insightful enough to be able to diagnose ourselves with this one specific disorder? Yea no.

Allowing self-diagnosis of gender dysphoria is how we got into this whole fucking trans disaster in the first place... and now we want to view self-DXing of ASD as valid too? Fuck no.

Lack of resources isn't a excuse to claim you have something with validity.

[–]Lyssa 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (8 children)

I can say about myself whatever I wan't. And you're free to contradict me. Don't worry, I won't claim that you are "literally killing me" or something equally pathetic.

And yes, everybody can tell if he or she is dysphoric or not. What other standard should there be for "my body is bothering me very much and I am depressed/anxious because of it"? Do you want to diagnose dysphoria by x-ray or laproscopy? How dysphoria originates and how it should be treated, specifically if transition should be the standard protocol or very last ressort, that's up for debate. The experience of dysphoria is not.

Btw: Self-dox is important/legitimate for quite a few conditions, disorders and illnesses. I happen to have gotten an early diagnosis for endometriosis because a surgeon found it "passing by" before I even had symptoms. I would not have been less of an endo patient if I would have been made to suffer through the usual 7 years of waiting time for a proper diagnosis before receiving the all important slip of paper. Many endo patient dox themselves months and years before their official diagnosis.

No, I would not recommend self dox for brain tumors. But to say that there are only self doxed autistics and nobody would do that with anything else is quite simply incorrect.

[–]Tovasshi 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Or is it just a "feeling" that you just "know" deep down that you're autistic.

You resort to self-ID because resources and "doctors don't know anything" and "bias".

This is just the same TRA rhetoric repackaged for neurological disorders.

[–]Lyssa 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

You resort to self-ID because resources and "doctors don't know anything" and "bias".

You lack basic reading comprehension.

[–]Tovasshi 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

How do you kow you're austic and not just schizoiphrenia, schizotypal personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, avoudant personality disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, have ADHD, bipolar, lead poisoning, sensory processing disorder, PTSD, etc?

What expertise do you have that makes you think it's autism and none of the other conditions? Because it's "cuter"? Less "stigma"?

ASD isn't an identity you can just slap on yourself.

And no, traditionally gender dysphoria wasn't a self diagnosis, it never was. Patients would go in with diatress, the psych would explore that with them and then diagnose them with gender dysphoria or some other condition. Humans are terrible at self-diagnosis. They can't even self-diagnose with anorexia.

[–]Lyssa 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

"Because it's "cuter"?"

Pretty much. I just woke up one day and told myself: Hey, those flashbacks, auditory halluzinations and stuff really sucks. Autism sounds cool though...

And "less stigma"? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm not getting diagnosed precisely to avoid negative consequences especially regarding my insurability. I am the main earner of our family. I will certainly not slap a disability sticker on my head to appear "cute" or to have somebody I've never met and never will meet consider me a proper autistic.

Joking aside, I just assume that you were at least partly really asking a question and answer in earnest:

  • I am not schizoid anything since I never suffered from wild mood swings or halluzinations. If anything I am rather stoic and uber-sober. I get on peoples nerves with that. I frequently overloaded as a child. This happens about once a year now. Schizophrenia and anything related flares up and worsens in young adults. So that's a nope then.
  • I am not avoidant. I very rarely leave overwhelming situations with a fake excuse. For the most part I though it out in the short term and try to construct my life in a way that needs less thoughing out in the long term (e.g. home office and online networking instead of daily office and participation in conferences).
  • ADHD: never had trouble adhering to deadlines or focusing. I was labeled a "dreamer" in elementary school and watched birds for hours instead of doing what I was supposed to do. Grew out of that for the most part.

ASD characteristics I do have: special interests; inability to smalltalk; sensory difficulties with things most people like and reactions to them that are beyond my control (gaging on most things fruity, most severly on artificial berry/cherry aromas); short list of things I would eat as a child, was severly undernourished and underweight as a result; difficulties to make friends, only friends with boys as a kid, girls would not tolerate my emotional spectrum or disinterest in all things girly; extreme difficulty of telling when it's my turn to speak on the phone - continuing to this day, big problem in professional context for me; extreme difficulty in telling on which side I should pass somebody on the street, I end up in a comical "step right, step left, step right"-dance frequently, if possible, i just walk slightly behind somebody I'm with and let them figure it out; difficulty to tell when or even consider the possibility that somebody is lying, got better on that with advancing age but it's a completely learned conscious response, it still just baffels me how much people lie and that there are habitual liars, historically I had no defenses against that; inability to tell if somebody is just being polite or really wants to talk/meet soon; people who have knowledge about and experience with the higher functioning end of the spectrum "suspect" me pretty quickly and have told me as much; other people I meet in real life have no clue and I'd like to keep it that way. No interest in woke cookie points or being "cute".

I feel better with myself since my life experience makes more sense against the background of being autistic. I don't need therapy (or at least not anymore) and I don't need strangers on the internet to tell me "You are loved and you are VALID!". You are welcome to consider me schizophrenic or attention seeking or whatever you prefer.

[–]Tovasshi 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Your answers just show me you have no idea what those other conditions are or how they're diagnosed.

You just settled on ASD.

No, you're not valid. Stop speaking "as an autistic woman" because until you're diagnosed, you're just being narcissistic playing identity games.

Edit: and by the way, delusional people don't know they're delusional.

[–]Lyssa 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

you're just being narcissistic playing identity games.

Oh, suddenly you can diagnose NPD accross the internet? Funny how that works. :D

Have a good night.

[–]Tovasshi 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I didn't say you had narcissistic personality disorder. I said youre being narcissistic, learn to read.

[–]Lyssa 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

So you would graciously grand me the right to say "I'm being autistic" just not "I have ASD"? That's too kind. Thinking of it, I don't think I've used the ASD label ever...

In any case: this is clearly not making sense any longer. Or ever has.