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[–]critical_of_WR 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I feel the same way every day as a Black woman. Powerless. I work four times as hard, and if I ever outlined my accomplishments it would seem outrageous that I did all that by my given age. I had no choice if I ever wanted a small piece of the pie. I am over-educated, overqualified, and over everything just so that someone can't demean me or call me the N word for walking down an upper class street with the colour of my skin.

The truth is that the entire outcome would have gone differently had it not been recorded. We should all admit this to ourselves regardless of how we feel about how it transpired. It made me realize that I should record every interaction that I have with anyone that is slightly confrontational, and I am a slim and quiet woman. I still do not have any trust that due to the colour of my skin, I would not be told I am a liar.