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[–]Classconsciousness 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There was a great study done to see if there was still an outcome gap by race that had 20 million participants, all older millennials/young gen X. The survey studied their parents income/wealth and then compared it to theirs at roughly the same age. This a particularly good equality indicator because it tells you whether it's about class, you can judge everyone by the income they were born with and see if they did better,worse, or the same. Its social mobility.

Black and white women had no difference in outcome. The low income women, middle, and upper class women all ended up in the same spot. Black women actually came out a little bit ahead in income.

The men were a completely different story. There was a wide difference in outcomes, where black men earned significantly less and had a smaller chance of moving up from low income. Yet both were above women as a whole.