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[–]aldoushuxleyghost 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

1: A female is a biological reality... someone who potentially can, is currently making or used to make large gametes (ie ova), and secondary to this then the system of organs you list to gestate a zygote. A female will never make small gametes (ie sperm). The opposite is also true, a male is someone who will, is currently making or used to produce small gametes. A male will never produce an ova. The rest is obfuscation.

2: This is obfuscation, TRAs love to bring up development disorders of intersex people (which are very rare) to "prove" sex is a spectrum, not binary etc. That's like saying someone born without legs proves humans are not bipedal. It's nonsense.

If you are actually determined to understand and figure this out, I suggest you carefully watch: ( Also on twitter: )

3: Gender is a social construct, based on feelings and culture. Sex is biological reality that surgeries (that are essentially cosmetic) can not erase. It can harm everything. Look at what it is doing to our language alone. You can't even understand what is male or female even though 99.6% of us are one of the two. What about ... Women's sports, prisons, scholarships, women's shelters are affected if we accept anyone can declare themselves a woman, yet remain male bodied (with it's great strength, violent and rapey tendencies.) As far as I can tell Non-binary is a reaction to Gender Identity. Since Gender ID insists your internal "feeling like a woman/man" means you are woman/man, than non-binary people insist they feel like neither, again notice everything based on "feelings".

Gender should be abolished because it upholds old regressive sexist stereotypes (pink is for girls, blue is for boys type stuff). I can't believe we've gone back to the point where I have to argue this. Gender ideology is harmful to gender-non-conforming kids and adults. It means, if a little girl plays with trucks and legos and hates dresses, people now think this girl should actually be a transboy.

[–]ZeWombat 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you for posting the video from the Paradox Institute. They're a new channel and I didn't know about them. Looks to be a great resource.