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[–]MenAreFragileBabies 17 insightful - 1 fun17 insightful - 0 fun18 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I found GC when someone I agreed with on reddit got called a TERF. I had been on reddit already for years and quietly disagreed with all the TRA crap. I just couldn't verbalize what exactly felt so wrong about it all until I found GC.

You are absolutely right that most people are GC, or at least don't buy into gender theory. But it is super important for there to be a resource where GC ideas are laid out, so people can learn and understand why gender theory is so wrong.

I keep checking here in the hopes there will be an announcement of a GC only space somewhere....

Maybe we can take this site over from the right wingers and loonies and push them out, IDK.