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[–][deleted] 18 insightful - 1 fun18 insightful - 0 fun19 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's this regression from the concept of truth I find the most harmful - this idea that there can exist a subjective version of truth - my truth. Truth is not a tricky concept - does the concept or the ideological align with reality or the material? I know America was founded on religious freedom, and, as such, we've protected the ideological - so long as it is a handful of specific religions. In essence, we've created a society which holds certain philosophies above the law by offering protection and exemptions from certain laws to those who believe in those ideas. We've created a world in which creationism must be considered alongside evolution. By doing this, we've opened the door to all ideologies being potentially as true as fact. That's why we have anti-science beliefs breeding on the left, and I wish we would start pushing back against protected ideologies and this bizarre concept of your truth, my truth, subjective truth.