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[–]oatcake 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Haha, I recognise your name so I definitely upvoted you. I took a new, food-based name for this site. Still gonna keep my old username on Reddit to promote hateful terf-ideology whenever I get sufficiently bothered at TRA stuff over there. Yeah, that thread was ridiculous. I consider myself a full-on wrestling nerd for, like, my whole life, and I had never even heard of this guy who the thread was ostensibly about - he's certainly never hit the front page for any of his matches. Yet as soon as he rails against 'transphobia' the thread hits the top spot? Weird. Sums up that sub. Full of people who can barely think for themselves, so eager to hit the right note. How else to explain the constant barrage of say-nothing, add-nothing comments which receive hundreds of upvotes? How else to explain boring Twitter comments which constantly hit the top of the page?

I'll admit to being a bit of a sad bastard in that I have spent way too much time on that sub over the years (hey, there's been a lot of good humour as well, to be fair). The number of times you see the exact same comment chains when certain topics are brought up - think of literally any time great Brock Lesnar matches are mentioned and the same, exact sequence regarding his disappointing match with Dean Ambrose follows like clockwork. There's a lot of brainless stuff over there, and there's always like a 50% chance a simple joke will land or go completely over people's heads.

[–]KanyeOmega 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Hi. Check my profile. I started a pro wrestling sub here. There's not much here, but it could be the start of something good. Feel free to drop by and you can also contribute if you like. I've quit Reddit for good, so I'm going to add the content I want to see.