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[–]NecessaryScene1 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yep, that was my point. That's the fundamental truth.

To steelman the argument though, then yes, maybe there might well be some statistical correlation within each sex between strength and propensity to commit violence. But I'd be willing to wager quite a lot that if you could isolate top end females and bottom end males to find individuals with the "same" strength, the males would be more violent.

In terms of evolutionary or societal success, the combo "violent + weak" is never going to be a winner, so you would only expect violent tendencies to arise as nature and/or nuture in a group that on average has the strength to back it up.

A female individual who is a strength outlier /might/ choose to be more violent, consciously knowing that they as an individual are capable of it, but that seems less likely a factor than just being part of the normally-stronger group and hence being predisposed by nature or nuture.