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[–]venecia 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you for speaking up for her!

I wonder how many of them thought she should just discard her religious belief for the comfort of everyone else around/to accommodate living in the modern world. You know, something they'd never dream of doing themselves because doubting THEIR ''faith'' is enough to make them cry, mobilize their internet army, and threaten to kill themselves.

I said I would support her on the grounds that this was all about bodily autonomy, cause you get to exclude a personal instructor for any reason

YES! This needs to be said so much more often. You get to reject a person who makes you uncomfortable any time, for any reason. Dating or otherwise. It is absolutely horrifying that they see no problem with banging on about consent, yet at the same time telling women they can't reject a potential date/person to share an intimate space with for any ''-ist'' or ''-phobic'' reason. It's paving the way for predators.