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[–]Lilith_Fair 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I'm a Christian, formerly atheist and converted as an adult. But not the evangelical type and I have no interest in imposing my religious views on anyone else. I'll admit I can't completely call myself Radfem because of this and some other reasons, but I support Radfems for many of their causes. But to answer your question: in my view our bodies are a gift from God. That's why we should love ourselves and our bodies, instead of endlessly finding faults with them. God doesn't care if our thighs are too big or our nose is too flat or whatever. In God's eyes, we're perfect the way we were made. For the same reason that it's a gift, we should also take good care of our bodies by eating well and exercising, etc. Our bodies are our temple. Further, our bodies are not something for feeding our vanity or identities. Our bodies are vessels given to us by God so we can use it to go out and do good for the world, help other people, and do what we can to give joy to those who are in our lives. The whole TRAs ideology--puberty blockers, hormones, surgeries--is a rejection of God's loving gift to us. A violent mutilation of something that is good and perfect. A taking of something that is wondrous in the way it functions, with so many things our limited mind still cannot understand (like we still can't cure a lot of diseases, or even figure out how to fight the Coronavirus), and giving it to some doctor with human limitations to attempt to create a Franken-version of the real thing.

I feel the same way with all the Genderism people changing their names too. In healthy, functioning families, our names are a gift from our parents. When we were born, our parents picked names for us with certain hopes for our well-being and future. In some cultures, naming of children is a very serious matter for the family. But now everyone playing the gender game just want to dump all that into the trash with no regards for all those in the family who love them. All they care about is themselves and what they want. It's all very self-centered and narcissistic IMO.

[–]-thedarkhorse-[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Thank you for replying, it is good to hear different points of view. Unlike the TRA opposition we can hold different opinions and still get along. Are you in favour of secularism?

[–]Lilith_Fair 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Secularism encompasses so many things, I'm not sure if I'm answering what you're asking. But assuming you're asking if I believe in the separation of church and state, then yes, absolutely. I agree with all the ideological and philosophical reasons why religion should have no place in government, and vice versa. Speaking as to the US, I find it comical when I see a segment of Christians keep trying to push religion into law, as if God needs our messed up, human-made institutions to get things done. 🙄 I think they're at best very misguided, and at worst, using God as an excuse to push their own agenda and interests, which is inexcusable. I also believe in science, as I don't think religion should be taught in schools to compete with science. Besides, why the hell would I trust schools to teach faith correctly?

But even science is dubious these days. Everyone has some kind of pseudo-science behind them. The TRAs keep telling everyone the science is all there that there 132+ genders and there are male/female brains. The Anti-vaxxers have all the sciences too to back up their points. Yesterday some nut job on this site sprouted lunatic nonsense how science proved the Holocaust didn't happen. They way we're going down the swamp, science has lost all its meanings.

Regarding secularism, one thing I do wish is less pressure for Christians to only acknowledge our faith at home behind closed doors in the liberal parts of the country, and taking offense at every mention or symbol of faith. There's a lot of pressure to never mention anything about our faith as related to ourselves. It's really an untenable situation because it's basically pressure for us to hide an integral part of who we are, as if it doesn't exist. It's very hard to live that way to never be able to acknowledge or even mention what is a central part of oneself.

I know there's pressure the other way around in the conservative parts of the country. I wish everybody would just stop and be accepting of each other for wherever they are on their religious/non-religious journey.

[–]-thedarkhorse-[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I am still trying to puzzle out the science of 'sex is a spectrum' I agree religion in being used in the US as a stick to batter women with. I actually agree with you about being pressured not to mention your faith. I actually enjoy chatting about religion because I find it interesting and my 'faith' in atheism is solid enough to not be upset if someone criticises it.