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[–]sosorreal 41 insightful - 2 fun41 insightful - 1 fun42 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

I honestly feel sick to my stomach. I called to tell my mom, but there isn't really anyone else I can talk to. I live in a liberal town. Even my boyfriend argues with me that transwomen are women. He's not talking to me now that r/GenderCritical has been banned. I feel like I've been gutted. I just got Gyn/Ecology in the mail this weekend. I've grown very passionate about women's issues, and GenderCritical was my safe space. I feel... just absolutely awful and alone.

[–]leculdesac 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I'm so glad to see this attitude in younger women. My two young adult daughters are very gender critical, and my 19-year-old's 25-year-old "woke" male-friend with benefits just insisted--I love this--as she was posting gender critical stuff on Facebook, that he didn't feel comfortable "having sex" with someone who was that much of a bigot. Like, he actually made it about HIS PENIS!!! She was so relieved to get rid of him. What an ass. The funny thing is her closest friends--an African American lesbian, an African American male, and a white female--all agree with her about the trans madness, but this white guy just mansplains EVERYTHING to them and claims to determine what's legitimate or not. And his PENIS!!! I'm so glad you and your Mom support each other with this. My girls call me to scream about this crap all the time. They face career ruin (at least for the foreseeable future) if they say much of anything about at work or school.

[–]sosorreal 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

yep!!! imagine that, white men mansplaining oppression to those they oppress. fucking great.

it's lovely to connect with like-minded women and to know there are more and more of us out there. I think the recent reddit ban is going to wake more people up! I was being somewhat quiet before, but no more!