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[–]TheFemMyst 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Hello! I did not post much, but what happened is nothing short of being charged with thought crimes. I guessed that "r/ this doesnt happen" was going to topple shortly. I had no idea how to archive that entire sub. I know voices are important too, but that sub had a massive stockpile of actual police records of wrongdoing. I was able to go in physically to each post and email to myself near 300 cases of arrests, and I cherry picked the most heinous. With all the links to every news story or court document.

That sub is gone now too, right when I was in the middle of my click happy 3 hour harvest work to save--something.

Thanks for making this!