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[–]OffAndSpherehere from roblox lol 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

yo, it's me from the discord server! sup "worried19"! here are some non-ideological reasons for the lack of activity

Saidit/post-comment systems are NOT good for debate. Not only are response times massive (which means it's not good for reaching a consensus fast), what usually ends up happening is that people end up hyper-focusing on a single insult in a post and ignoring the actual argument (although this subsaidit has gotten better with that last time I checked). People also tend to not remember each user from separate debates (although this is probably bias on my part), leading to them to be more likely to diss them in the first place instead of remembering that there is a human behind the screen, and jokes are harder to throw in to break up tension, as the expected comment length is much longer than Discord, making punchy, "chill out a little there" lines trickier to pull off.

Also, the lack of downvotes does not mitigate the existence of upvotes, and as such result in the top posts being biased towards brief, "the answer is quite simple" responses. This is because people usually don't want to read the entire comment section of a post, so they upvote the top posts (which are usually well-written, to give credit to them), creating a large gap between the top posts and the bottom ones. This is a debate space: even if the answer is simple and correct, I think we need to explore WHY it is simple and correct.