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[–]LemurLemur 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I poked my head in to lurk, and this post inspired me to go dig up my old sign-in info.

I think this sub and the GC people behind it probably should figure out what they want the purpose of this sub to be - civil communication, or "bravely standing up to evil trans people and finally getting to tell them what you REALLY think". I made exactly one post here, asking if the "rudefem" behavior was intentional on GC's part or if it was just an unfortunate byproduct, and I think you, worried, were literally the only person who didn't refuse to even admit that rudeness happens at all. I got a lot of the same answers: 1.) GC aren't rude, you're just stupid 2.) They're rude because this is the only place they can be, so they're allowed to be (but also they aren't rude, you're just stupid.)

I should point out I'm not even trans. My sibling is. Out of curiosity as to what sort of shit they're likely to get for it, I looked at what GC people say, and... yeah, mostly it's "they're disgusting narcissistic degenerate criminals who live to rape and masturbate to violent porn". Hell, the top bullet to most "guide to peaking people" usually starts with "make sure to tell people the transes are doing it for sexual pleasure and they'll rape you as soon as they can get you alone".

So... I'm a little surprised this even needs to be said but... stuff like this isn't fun to interact with. Not for a trans person, and not for anyone that has trans people they care about. It's literally just prejudice, coming from people who claim to want to fight prejudice.

I hang out on other debate subs, and what makes them fun is getting to learn more about people different from you; I've gotten to like people I never thought I would, just by being open minded. I don't get the feeling that is possible here. I don't know if feelings are just too raw for most GC to be neutral about it, but diverse, mixed communities have to rely extra hard on giving each other the benefit of the doubt, and proactively trying to find ways around insults, name-calling, prejudice, stereotyping ect. This sub does not offer that. It's not required to, and I'm not saying it has to. But it doesn't want to. And that makes it hard for anyone non-GC to feel motivated to contribute.

[–]BiologyIsReal 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Well, given that you want to talk about self-criticism, maybe you should have a look at how QT posters behave. Seriously, I'd say they are way more rude in average than GC poster despite being only a handfull of them. The rules banning rules nazi comparisons and banning baseless acussations (like suggesting saying x thing will lead to suicide/genocide) have to be added because of QT.

And giving your talk about fun, let me tell you that I don't find fun arguing with a bunch of people who act like if they were making a big favour by showing up here. I don't find fun arguing with a bunch of people who believe I'm akin to nazis. I don't find fun arguing with a bunch of people who cannot answer basic questions about their own beliefs (I 'm still waiting for QT tell me what is a woman, you know?) I don't find fun arguing with a bunch of people who keep denying all the evidence about how pro-QT policies hurt women and children. I don't find fun arguing with a bunch of people who ask me to care above and beyond about the feeling of males who identify as trans (aka "transwomen") while they show no emphaty for women.

Also, let's not forget it was QT who got the old sub banned and that is why we're here right now. Let's not forget that QT posters here aren't shy about admitting how much they love the fact GC discourse is shut down in a lot of mainstream plataforms. So, maybe we can stop pretending there are few QT users here because of all the mean GC users when QT have made clear they are NOT interested in debate.

[–]LemurLemur 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

But I'm not trans or QT and haven't called anyone a nazi. I've never threatened anyone or banned anyone. I've never hurt women or children (that I know of??) I don't think it's a "huge favor" to show up (tho I do think it's silly to expect people to stay if there's nothing enjoyable about it, but that applies to anything.) I wasn't the one that got the old sub banned. I've never said I was happy that GC was shut down.

What can GC do to distinguish the "evil transes who threaten to rape everyone" from the normal people who just aren't GC?

[–]BiologyIsReal 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I never said you personally did any of those things. I just pointed out the typical QT behaviour. You came here saying you were worried about your trans identified sibling, and saying GC was too rude to QT while ignoring QT bad behaviour. I just assumed you were QT because that seemed the most likely explanation.

Anyway, I insist, QT have made quite clear they don't want to debate and they want to shut down GC voices. There is no point in pretending QT just don't come here because we are too rude or that both sides are equally bad.