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[–]strictly 3 insightful - 6 fun3 insightful - 5 fun4 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

Partial blanchardianism ?

Blanchard is skeptical about the existence of paraphilic females, I'm not, I've talked to too many paraphilic females to be able to pretend they don't exist. I believe in what makes sense to me.

Isn't that where gc takes the bits it likes about calling men paraphiliacs and rejects the bits about essentialising gender? Would be my expectation.

I can’t unsee what I see so I will call a paraphilia a paraphilia, doesn’t mean I think it’s shameful. Regarding essentialism I don’t know what kind of beliefs you consider essentialising gender so you need to be more specific there.

Females can be gynephilic.


Isn't that a lesbian?

Not necessarily, I tend to distinguish between gynephilia and female-attracted, I use the former for the broader etiology of being attracted to what is female associated and the latter for the sex-orientation outcome of being attracted to females.

Lesbians can be attracted to femininity in others.

If she exclusively attracted to female people I would consider her a lesbian, but if she is attracted to feminine males too, then no.

Do you mean men might be more attracted to femininity than biological females?

I think some gynephilic men have their gynephilia tied to femininity instead of females, and that would make them not straight as they would be into feminine males too, although in a gynephilic way.

I think you mean autogynephilia?

No, I meant both. I think what exists in gynpehilia can usually exist in the auto version too.

But then women who identify as same sex attracted are more likely to be gnc.

I.e translated to my words female-attracted males are on average more likely to be gender conforming relative biological sex than homosexual males, I think that’s true on a group level.

I think it points to three traits, orientation, expression and gender identity being related.

Why the identity? Unless you are referring to the AGP itself. I do however suspect the gender identity thing AGP/AAP trans people talk about often is based on AGP/AAP, the romantic part of it (gynephilia can be romantic so I think the auto version can be romantic too). But I am somewhat unsure what you referring to here.

Compared to what though?

Compared to heterosexual people, and I think that’s mainly because of gender norms.