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[–]SnowAssMan 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I did not say "all these other identities" exist. I said certain facts about each of us exist. Nowhere did I mention the word "identity":

Bloody hell. I asked you: what is stopping gender identity from being like class, nationality, ethnicity identities? To which you said all this:

Everyone has a socioeconomic status based on their own or their family or household income, level of wealth & accumulated assets, or lack thereof. Everyone was born in a place on earth that can be found on a map and is legally defined as a nation or territory. Some people end up stateless, but even they were born in a land/on land that exists in material fact and the precise spot can be located by longitude & latitude. Everyone has parents and a family lineage and ancestors who started out in one part of the world or another & whose genes & customs have been passed on, and therefore an ethnicity.

You've also said this, after I suggested that you probably don't believe in cultural identity:

Please don't put words in my mouth. You are coming off as incredibly arrogant. You can't read my mind. I am perfectly willing to discuss such topics as cultural identity, ethnic identity, national identity, religious identity, regional identity, class identity and so on. But those are very different topics to gender identity. And gender identity is the topic here.

So which is it? Does cultural identity exist, or not? You seem to be having trouble deciding. And if cultural identity exists, insofar as, we are, in your words: "products of culture", then how is it that we all have cultural identities, but not gender identities?

I have a sex, but I do not have a gender identity. Just like I have an age, but not an age identity.

False equivalence, your age keeps changing. Do you think you have no social identities (identities you share with others)?

Not everyone constructs their sense of self out of "identities" or identity labels in the way you keep insisting.

Then how come female role models will improve girl's performance, while male role models fail to do the same? It's obviously something we are unconsciously aware of.

What accounts for men & women's gendered behavioural trends? Why are there certain behaviours & interests generally shared by women, but not by men? Are these differences biologically determined? Please don misinterpret that as meaning that all women are uniform & opposite to all men. I'm talking about patterns again, you know, patterns? You know, like trends. Like fashion. Today, women wear those hideous high-waisted trousers/skirts/bottoms – it's a fashion trend. Do they all wear it all the time? Seemingly yes, but exceptions still exist. But remember, exceptions don't disqualify trends in any way.