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[–]Greensquidsphone 2 insightful - 6 fun2 insightful - 5 fun3 insightful - 6 fun -  (6 children)

Would you like it if 100s perhaps even 1000s of people tried to get you fired, because you said something in support of trans activism they didn't like? Would you like it if you were sent death & rape threats, if you were assaulted for advocating for trans rights? Really think about this. Who are the bullies here? Who are the oppressors?

would you like it

Man I sure wish i lived in a world where these things didnt actually happen for being trans so I could imagine them happening and feel bad.

[–]Penultimate_Penance 9 insightful - 3 fun9 insightful - 2 fun10 insightful - 3 fun -  (5 children)

Receipts please. We got plenty of em' ranging from threats, hate mobs hellbent on destroying people's livelihood to assault & murder from the trans activist side. Make sure they are actually from gender critical people. Avoid false equivalences. Saying a man doesn't pass is not equivalent to rape & death threats. Not even close.

A lot of trans activists like to lump conservative homophobes with gender critical people when those two groups are polar opposites. One thing I know for certain. The biggest threat to trans people are men. Why are trans activists so hyper focused on 'terfs' instead of the Johns & homophobic men who are actually doing the killing? Interesting that the people who disagree are vehemently hated, threatened and attacked, but the actual killers, the actual threats to trans people safety for the most part get barely a fraction of the criticism. Gender critical people don't hate trans people, we just want you to stop violating our boundaries and destroying women's rights. No means no. Women's freedom matters more than men's feelings or desire for 'validation'. Women don't owe men shit, no matter what they personally believe.

Trans activists actions are just as bad as the religious tyrants that didn't allow people to voice disagreement or dissent. They thought they were righteous and just too. I'm happy to be on the side that doesn't hang dead rats on a rape crisis shelter's doors with the express purpose of terrorizing rape victims, because god forbid any women anywhere ever being allowed to say no to men.

[–]Greensquidsphone 2 insightful - 6 fun2 insightful - 5 fun3 insightful - 6 fun -  (4 children)

Saying a man doesn't pass is not equivalent to rape & death threats. Not even close.

Thank you for telling me what a death threat isn't. Thank you, i had no idea, turns out all those death threats were just people trying to politely tell me I dont pass. /s

I get it, you have the monopoly on oppression, you win.

I also appreciate the three massive paragraphs which basically boil down to "but that isn't us so why should I care."

1)I didn't say it was you. In fact i didn't blame any group at all. I was just joking about your asinine rant about how bad you have it as though trans people... Don't? I guess?

2)it literally IS you. Not in as high a ratio as the literal neo Nazis, but don't worry, radfems have taken themselves a slice of the pie as well. Most of the radfem targeted harassment I've gotten though is doxxing, in fairness to all of you lovely individuals.

Why are trans activists so hyper focused on 'terfs' instead of the Johns & homophobic men who are actually doing the killing?

I mean... They are? You realize they can be upset at both of you at once, and while they ARE out here killing us, radfems certainly aren't innocent considering how aggressively they're trying to legislate out trans people in the uk (and now other pockets of the world too woohoo...)

[–]Penultimate_Penance 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

Trans people are trying to destroy women in the law. Erasing 50% of the population under the law of the population is not okay. Destroying safeguarding for 50% of the population is not okay. We're protecting ourselves from a group of people who are destroying rights that women have been fighting for for centuries. Rights that are essential for women to participate in public life. Rights that are very precarious. I recommend reading "I am Malala" if you haven't already. All it takes is one batshit crazy misogynist group gaining enough power and women's rights go out the window. Any group that threatens women's right is a big fucking deal.

The horror of not allowing gender identity to replace sex in the law. The horror of not allowing men to violate women's boundaries. We're defending ourselves. You understand if trans activists actually respected women's boundaries and rights I would have no political beef with them right? I would still believe the entire concept of gender identity is sexist as fuck but I would tolerate the gender soul believers, much in the same way I tolerate religious people. What I will not tolerate is Trans activists destroying women's rights & boundaries and expecting us to lie down and take it. Hell no.