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[–]Penultimate_Penance 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Simple it's sexism.

Why are most CEOs men? Why are most politicians including trans politicians men? Why are most managerial and higher up positions held by men? Why is the main focus of trans activism and the criticism of it on trans women? (Hint: It's because transwomen are men) Why did the trans movement particularly trans women get so much support so easily? (Hint men sympathize with & support other men)

Men's feelings matter more. Men's demands matter more. Men's self inflicted victimhood is catapulted above women's real problems all the goddamn time. Men need to be held in check or they will trample over women. You know that we have to make child marriage illegal to force men as a class to stop marrying & raping literal children right? I cite all of human history up to this very second as to why men's power, influence and control over society must be held in check or girls and women will suffer monstrous atrocities at men's hands legally.

Imagine if the trans movement only consisted of trans men aka women who claim to be men. Would it have ever gone off the ground? Really think about this. Women are struggling to get basic bodily autonomy and now basic protections are being stripped away, because men's feelings matter more than women's rights. Women are second class citizens. They are thought of last if at all politically.