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[–]a_green_squidtransmed i guess? 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

1) it's not, really.

2) they're not mutually exclusive. A racist is still a racist, and his opinions are still opinions.

3) a guy who isn't attracted to men but attracted to TW is straight, or straight-adjacent, or etc. You can call it whatever you want in your head to affirm your own worldview, i don't really care. Just don't go shouting from the rooftops about a sexuality you think my husband and other people have that they don't have.

4) Regardless of how you feel about them, misgendering will always be seen as an action performed to denigrate trans people. Honestly, even I don't believe you if you say it's not about being mean it's just about 'being right'. That's the kind of rhetoric racists use all the time.

5) a) Dysphoria is a bitch and early transition relieves it much better than late transition. b) Access to healthcare is a human right, and your 1970s, 30 person studies 'disproving' the efficacy of transition alongside conversion therapy pushing aren't going to stop it being the most effective treatment. c) What do you think happens when emotionally unstable children are told they can't have access to healthcare they know exist? Hint, it's self-medding or suicide.

I want to talk more about early transition at some point, maybe I'll make a thread.....

6) Beyond the wild misinformation from both sides, I'm pretty militant about pre-transition use of women's spaces (don't). Other than that, sorry, I'm not putting myself at risk because of an implied threat from my existing. Sports is a harder bear to tackle, but this is why we need pre-puberty transition :)

7) Point 3. I don't think it's transphobic.

8) Hating trans people? I don't know, it's a very vague topic, and much like other ism's and phobia's, there is a lot of "I DON'T HATE x BUT" floating around that muddies the water a lot.

[–]adungitit 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

A racist is still a racist, and his opinions are still opinions.

Racism by its very nature relies on the idea that certain races are inferior to others. The notion that female people are female and that male people are male does not put one above the other, much like how recognising that black people aren't white doesn't suddenly legitimise racist ideas of white supremacy (speaking of which, "I don't see colour and all the people recognising different races are the real racists" is also a common racist talking point). What is closer to racism is the notion that women are defined as (insert whatever misogynistic stereotype that attempts to tie their physiology with gender stereotypes) as opposed to the objective physical reality of their existence.

Just don't go shouting from the rooftops about a sexuality you think my husband and other people have that they don't have.

If being straight can mean anything anyone wants now, including men fucking other men who roleplay as women, or wear dresses, or artificially induce a hormonal disorder in their bodies, or just write "she" pronouns in their Twitter bio, then why wouldn't another person's idea that this isn't straight be equally valid? Why is it that only trans people get to co-opt sexualities and make demands on what these sexualities are now going to be? Why is only one side allowed to shout from rooftops if everything is so subjective and equally valid and don't you try to gatekeep or else it's literal violence?

misgendering will always be seen as an action performed to denigrate trans people.

And lying about someone's gender because they feel like they have a "female brain" or "like wearing panties" is always going to be a misogynistic insult to women. Why is misogyny and dehumanisation of women for being born female consistently portrayed as a non-issue, while everyone needs to shed tears over trans people not getting everyone else to literally lie to make it easier for them to ignore reality? Like, sorry, but "people thinking I'm subhuman for being female" just seems a helluva lot more unfair than "People won't lie that my religious beliefs are reality to make me feel good".

Dysphoria is a bitch

Gotta love progressives and liberals using misogynistic slurs :)

You know what else sucks? Misogyny.

early transition relieves it much better than late transition.

This is irrelevant. Children cannot consent to irreversible and damaging bodily procedures. The fact that an extremely small number of kids might benefit from it does not justify allowing children to do this.

What do you think happens when emotionally unstable children are told they can't have access to healthcare they know exist?

Right, let's just make everything legal for children because they're going to get it anyways!

alongside conversion therapy pushing

Being trans is a severe mental disorder characterised by intense anxiety over a perfectly healthy body, seeking amputations and a lifetime of medicine and an artifically induced hormonal imbalance in order to feed an idea that is at odds with reality and pretend that you're something you're not. Trying to heal a mental disorder that is by its very nature damaging to your life and causes extreme negative reactions over perfectly normal and healthy things that cannot be changed is not "conversion therapy". It is impossible to change one's sex. It cannot be done. Not because GC are meanies, but because that's simply the nature of our biology. Plastic surgeries and amputations still don't cure this anxiety because trans people continue to insist that everyone else needs to lie about reality to uphold their fragile worldview. If transition magically fixed everything, trans people would not keep getting mental breakdowns over people not using the pronouns they want them to use, and a lot of the current selfID insanity probably wouldn't be a thing.

I'm pretty militant about pre-transition use of women's spaces

Riiight. Because post-transition male people are just sooo safe and totally not misogynistic. I mean, they say so. Alongside MRAs and liberal men and gay men and bullied men and...

I'm not putting myself at risk because of an implied threat from my existing

Right, better to put women at risk instead. After all, what are female spaces for if not to house vulnerable men and keep them safe? We wouldn't want men to be at risk of violence, now would we? :,(

Sports is a harder bear to tackle

Should male people compete in sports whose entire existence is owed to the fact that female people cannot compete against male people? Hmm, tough choice 🤔

but this is why we need pre-puberty transition :)

Too bad that letting children to irreparable damage to their bodies is seen as immoral in our society :)

[–]a_green_squidtransmed i guess? 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Sorry, I'm expecting the dogpile, I've done this game before, and since I'm not perfect with english I usually take way too long with responses to respond to everyone. That said, I appreciate that you have a very strong opinion on how gender dysphoria SHOULDN'T be treated. Do you have medical sources backing this up? Are you a doctor? A psychiatrist? No?

Let me be clear. If I did not self-med when I did I would have killed myself. That was the plan. I know multiple people who were in the same boat when they were younger. Pretending dysphoria is an issue we can just therapist away is how it happens. If someone comes up with a miracle pill that cures the dysphoria without having to transition in a society that hates us, amazing, i'll take two, but that's not going to happen, so unless you have any bright ideas you and everyone else can stop trying to criminalize the only treatment we have concrete evidence of working in ANY capacity.

[–]adungitit 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I appreciate that you have a very strong opinion on how gender dysphoria SHOULDN'T be treated

Any treatment that lets minors perform damaging cosmetic surgeries should be unacceptable. You can talk about how unfair this is, but protection of minors, much like female rights, exists for reasons other than just making trans people feel boo-hoo.

If I did not self-med when I did I would have killed myself

There are people who would've killed themselves had they not found God. There are men who would've killed themselves had they not found one of their numerous misogynistic role models. Other people's mental issues do not oblige me to pretend that harmful misogynistic ideologies are true and factual just so they would feel better.

you and everyone else can stop trying to criminalize the only treatment we have concrete evidence of working in ANY capacity.

I never said I would criminalise it. I did say that it doesn't work as well as it is portrayed to work, since it still relies on forcing the rest of society to say things that are contrary to reality for the trans person to be able to function.