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[–]a_green_squidtransmed i guess? 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

Sorry, I'm expecting the dogpile, I've done this game before, and since I'm not perfect with english I usually take way too long with responses to respond to everyone. That said, I appreciate that you have a very strong opinion on how gender dysphoria SHOULDN'T be treated. Do you have medical sources backing this up? Are you a doctor? A psychiatrist? No?

Let me be clear. If I did not self-med when I did I would have killed myself. That was the plan. I know multiple people who were in the same boat when they were younger. Pretending dysphoria is an issue we can just therapist away is how it happens. If someone comes up with a miracle pill that cures the dysphoria without having to transition in a society that hates us, amazing, i'll take two, but that's not going to happen, so unless you have any bright ideas you and everyone else can stop trying to criminalize the only treatment we have concrete evidence of working in ANY capacity.

[–]MarkTwainiac 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

If someone comes up with a miracle pill that cures the dysphoria without having to transition

There it is in a nutshell: unless the world comes up with a miracle pill, then every person who feels distress over their sex - even young children - should be given all the hormone treatments & cosmetic surgeries they desire on demand, no questions asked; what's more, all these treatments & cosmetic surgeries along with the myriad health problems they cause now or down the line should be paid for by government health services or plans or private or government insurance, whichever is applicable.

People struggle with all sorts of issues over the course of life - after all, none of us gets out alive. But I've never heard anyone dealing with cancer, cystic fibrosis, arthritis, kidney disease, MS, psoriasis, IBS, primary immune deficiency, depression, neuropathy and/or myriad other serious conditions say that if they aren't given a "miracle pill" pronto, then they must be granted the right to obtain - and for free - whatever drugs, surgeries and cosmetic procedures they think best, even when there is no incontrovertible evidence that these will help alleviate their distress over the long term. Even when there is accumulating evidence that in a large number of cases, especially those involving female people, this approach does considerably more harm than good.

Yes, people with various illnesses often dream of a "miracle pill," but they/we don't demand it. Coz the belief in a miracle pill is indicative of magical thinking, and magical thinking itself is inherently childlike and unrealistic.

[–]a_green_squidtransmed i guess? 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Hey bud, you wanna finish that quote?

If someone comes up with a miracle pill that cures the dysphoria without having to transition

but that's not going to happen

But sure.

no incontrovertible evidence that these will help alleviate their distress over the long term

I mean, this is just untrue. I can link you the cornell aggregate study if you want, though I'm sure you've seen it before. I can click related links on pubmed til the cows come home if you want. Overwhelmingly data suggests transitions alleviates mental stress over dysphoria.

Fuck it, I'll do it anyways And here is the Cornell review if you've somehow never been given it.

I'm not demanding a miracle pill. I am demanding access to healthcare.

[–]MarkTwainiac 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

People of all "gender identities" have the same access to healthcare in the West.

[–]adungitit 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I appreciate that you have a very strong opinion on how gender dysphoria SHOULDN'T be treated

Any treatment that lets minors perform damaging cosmetic surgeries should be unacceptable. You can talk about how unfair this is, but protection of minors, much like female rights, exists for reasons other than just making trans people feel boo-hoo.

If I did not self-med when I did I would have killed myself

There are people who would've killed themselves had they not found God. There are men who would've killed themselves had they not found one of their numerous misogynistic role models. Other people's mental issues do not oblige me to pretend that harmful misogynistic ideologies are true and factual just so they would feel better.

you and everyone else can stop trying to criminalize the only treatment we have concrete evidence of working in ANY capacity.

I never said I would criminalise it. I did say that it doesn't work as well as it is portrayed to work, since it still relies on forcing the rest of society to say things that are contrary to reality for the trans person to be able to function.