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[–]MarkTwainiac 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

As for the Afghan girl, she wouldn' t have to get "a boy role" if she weren' t treated as a second rate citizen for her sex.

the entire point why I named them is, that they are socialized male despite their sex being female.

No, these girls are not socialized female. As a result of not having a brother, uncle or a father who can do the things males are customarily expected to do to provide for the family, these young Afghan girl children are forced into pretending to be the opposite sex in order to do those "male" things for the family themselves. Doing this puts the girls' lives at risk, brings them "dishonour" and makes them pretty much unmarriageable. Being a bacha posh means just more self-sacrifice and more self-abnegation for girls. And once these girls hit or pass puberty, they are usually forced back into female clothing and to stay at home again.