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[–]Not_a_celebrity[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Why are you here when you believe in the "gender identity" ideology? You think you're a woman, but then you know you're a man, but then you don't want people to think of you as the man you are, so you don't say anything to your husband about you being a man, and you let people assume you are a woman eventhough you are not. That is dishonest, it is deception. If I met you, couldn't tell you're a man, used "she", and you didn't correct me that you're a man, I'd feel deceived. But whatever. I don't think labels are confusing. You TQs always make them seem confusing. A man is in a relationship with a man? He's either gay or bi, doesn't matter if the guy has a penis or not, or thinks he's a woman. It's really simple.